Tuesday, June 30, 2015

VIVA TWIFTIES! The Fun People Over 50

Hi, I’m Lauren, the founder of Twifties, the fun people over 50.
"Fifty is the new 20, twenty, fifty, TWIFTY!!"

 Products are Not being Made for Fun People Over 50
 I created Twifties because products are not being made for us fun people over age 50, products that would make our lives easier and better. I speak as a child of the 1950s, born in one of the 6 biggest birth years ever recorded in American history. 1956 to 1961 had over 4.2 million births, We are the first generation that grew up with advertising, and as serious consumers, and now very little is marketed specifically to us. Twifties is a brand, without a product. Twifties is a market that is not being served. What products do we need and want? I see lots of studies speculating, but I don’t know of any survey of our age group that has specifically asked that question.

There is Big Money
There is big money out there for the companies that unlock this market! For example, I extrapolate from sales figures from SIA, (SnowSports Industries America) that there are 280,000 or so snowboarders over the age of 50. Yet not a single company of the hundreds that make snowboard gear has thought to distinguish themselves by marketing to this niche. And so it goes in all fields.

What Products Would Make our Lives Easier?
What products would make our lives easier, and are not readily available? We grew up over half our lives without hand held technology, the last generation to do so. Our ways of thinking and learning and doing are not respected by the products we are offered. New is not always better. I need a technology wizard, always available to call or go on my computer remotely when I have a problem. Someone who is trustworthy and reasonably priced. And a way to easily manage the pictures on my computer and phone. An MS Word program that has the 10 functions we use most at hand, instead of having dozens of obscure functions obscuring the 10 useful ones?

Twifties need near vision eyesight, to read close up. Clothing to flatter our changing bodies. Clothing to travel with that has pockets, looks good, and doesn't need ironing. And when we find that clothing that looks good and works for us, we should be able to order it repeatedly online, because the sizes are consistent and the product is constantly available, with minor styling and color updates. Buying clothing and shoes online is one aspect of technology that I would embrace, except once I find a product I like, it will surely soon become unavailable.

What Else Would I Embrace?
What else would I embrace? TV shows starring characters we can identify with would be a nice change. We grew up with TV, and now we are invisible on TV. Hairstyles to flatter what we have left. ANY styles in fact. There are no styles or style leaders for our age group. From watching Star Trek as a child, I hoped the future would hold an easy to wear outfit that would make me look great! 

How about phones that have the basics that we need front and center, reasonably priced, and don't need charging every day. And a way to carry our phones and money safely and compactly for sports and general freedom of movement.

I Don't Want to Sound Cranky
I don't want to sound cranky, but from watching the Jetsons as a kid I thought my life would be easier now, and products to make it so are not evident. My Keurig coffee maker is the only thing I have close to the Jetsons’ kitchen equipment. Why is it that a restaurant countertop dishwasher can wash dishes in 5 minutes, and I have a huge box in my kitchen that needs to be filled with used dishes and takes 90 minutes of my hot water and electricity to do the same job? 

More things I wish for: someone to help me cull "stuff" in my house from 30 years of living here, and also stuff from cleaning out my parents' house. I used to be embarrassed by the amount of "stuff" but now I see that it is a common problem. We all have more stuff, and more is always trying to get into the house. My closet was designed for a person with a 1976 amount of stuff. My electrical outlets are placed for that time's needs too. Houses are still built that way.

Twifties are the Bull’s-Eye of the Target
Twifties are the bull’s-eye of the target of baby boomers. We are the fun active sporty people who do things, travel, and spend money. Music festivals these days are chock full of Twifties. We love to dance and grew up in the greatest time for dancing in the US ever. But we have few places to dance! We are the best looking group of older people that have ever existed in the US.

How can Twifties be better served by the commercial world? My vision is that excellent products to fill the needs of Twifties will be available. In my Twifties vision, these high quality ethical products at reasonable prices are already vetted and found successful by users, and if they fail in the future they lose their place in the Twifties Product Portfolio. Doing research for a purchase takes time and energy, let’s share what works and not reinvent the wheel.

Twifties World - Twifties Love to Socialize
Twifties love to socialize live, and in Twifties World, Twifties Activity Companions can easily be found through an app, so if you want to go to a concert and can’t find any of your friends to go with, the app will tell you who other Twifties going to that concert will be, or you can just meet at the Twifties Chill Spot for conversation and easy going companionship. Twifties dances and parties never have the music too loud, always have a secure place to park your bag and coat, and are smokeless and vapeless, inside and out. At Twifties parties, which are always free, the guests get gifts! Twifties Gifties! Like on the red carpet! Sponsors share great samples of their products and are eager to get them into the hands of the centers of influence Twifties who attend.

Twifties should be celebrated and coddled and catered to instead of being ignored. Viva Twifties!

Comment and join at Twifties.com on Facebook and visit www.Twifties.TV where you can sign up.

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