Monday, April 20, 2009

The Twenty-four Hour Run Away or TRA

Introducing – The Twenty-four Hour Twifties Run Away
Travel Alone, Return Deeply Refreshed

A Twifties Treat
by Lauren Traub Teton

My Goal was to Reach a Deep State of Relaxation!

My sister doesn’t even know it yet, but after I finished my visit with her and her family this weekend, it was approaching dark, and being on my own with a 3 hour car ride ahead, I thought “how nice it would be to continue my idyll in the Pioneer Valley another night.” My husband was not at home, and I opened myself to the possibility of a relaxing overnight somewhere new, on the road, if the right opportunity arose.

Driving on the country roads instead of the highway, I eventually spotted a sign that said “Fine Country Dining” and followed it, thinking that it might be an inn with rooms to let. Indeed it was, almost in the middle of nowhere, but located at the exact high spot of its hill. Passing a huge replica of a milk bottle before finding the inn just seemed like a sign that a lighthearted Twifties adventure was at hand!

The Inn did have 4 rooms that they rented, and all were empty on this Saturday night, though the parking lot for the restaurant was as packed as opening day at the Red Sox or Yankees. I got one of the rooms, and found that there was both an outdoor porch over the front of the restaurant, and a little deck on top of the fire escape, right next to my room where I could stretch and watch the sunset.

My 24-hour runaway was devoted to rest, yoga and stretching on my own, good food, and sleep. I perused the menu of what it turns out has to be one of the best restaurants in Massachusetts. I went to my sunset porch and stretched, then took a little nap before having a late dinner.

I slept 'til 9 the next morning, then took my time, ambled downstairs for some coffee, sat outdoors on the rattan swinging loveseat, did some stretching and yoga outdoors, rested a little more, then had lunch in the dining room, and finally hit the road to come home. My TRA or Twenty-four Hour Run Away (TRA-La La!) was less than 24 hours, but left me deeply refreshed, and cost no more than a few co-pays for the doctor or pharmacy, which now I won’t need!
And the next day, back home, I am totally refreshed and re-energized.

Re: the Inn where I stayed.
I will love to share the name of this wonderful and relaxing country inn with you. I plan to do a feature on it on TwiftiesTV on Youtube later.

You can sign up for my mailing list on to be notified when TwiftiesTV goes live.
Or if you can’t wait, email me for the name of this inn, put
“Franklin County Inn” in the subject line and mail to

Tips for your Twifties TRA

A destination 3 hours or less from home is ideal.

Driving farther doesn't mean a place is more relaxing.

Choose a place that is quiet and surrounded by nature.

Try to go alone.
That way you can have the luxury of being completely on your own time schedule. Being “scheduled” all the time is one of the greatest stressors of Twifties and is a new way of life.

Pack light.
Less stuff means less choices, less clutter, and more relaxation on your Run Away.

Leave the newspapers at home.
If your TRA is really about relaxing, think about leaving all the reading material at home, and bringing a meditation tape or relaxation music instead. And forget about TV. You want to rest and sleep and give your body what it needs on this trip!

Have your responsibilities at home covered so you won't spend valuable relaxation time fretting about them.

Bring a blanket from home or use the bath towel to spread on the floor for stretching.

Remind yourself that this is YOUR TIME for relaxing and release any guilt about it.

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